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the mermaid awakens

Lambe da Sereia is a (inner) wind-manifest of concrete authorial feminine poetry, which flourished in March 2017 to spread words of calming, strength, culture of peace, self-love, unconditional love, compassion, diversity, creativity, good humor, conscience, respect, freedom, humanitarian sense. The expression of a speech for all ears, minds and hearts, for all people, communities and territories on the world map and neural connections. Like a scream-poem that represents and multiplies the timid, stifled, choked, silenced voices ~ for the fear of expressing oneself, of (loving), of (not) being accepted (of), of (not) being who one is. A voice that echoes in the streets and networks, crosses margins beyond margins, builds bridges between centers and peripheries, breaks down walls inside and outside us. A hug. A lap, a look that holds and says: "you are not alone".


images from personal archive Cybelle Young / @lambedasereia

All poetry-posters are authored and diagrammed in a text editor. Stencil masks designed and cut by hand. The mermaid icon, also hand drawn, with a writing pen, is very special for the author Cybelle Young, symbol of a process of personal-professional rediscovery. The choice not to use design programs but a text editor is purposeful and adaptable to free software ~ to remember that poetry and street art can be created and produced in the simplest way possible, by anyone, with any computer, paper, pen, pencil, crayons, stylus, white glue, water, colored inks and good doses of good humor.

Writing is admittedly feminine in some of the poems, but from all the feedback received so far ~ in person and via the internet/social networks in Brazil and several other countries ~ what is perceived is a sensitive, supportive and loving self-identification of people from the most diverse profiles , ethnicities, ages, genders, socially accepted groups or (in) visibly rejected/excluded.

Another choice made consciously and carefully maintained in the more than 170 lambes-poetry is to transpose positive (albeit sometimes sad) words and feelings of love, peace, gratitude for life, compassion, union, empathy, individual and collective conscience. Even the politics of social misery and the misery of government policy are addressed at some point ~ but always in the light of poetry.

And that's the language, the tool, the platform for Lambe da Sereia's manifestation: poetry printed on plain paper, handwritten, painted on the wall, on the pole - democratic and accessible, weaving bridges, breaking borders.

logomarca da @lambedasereia e máscara de estêncil feita a mão pela artista e autora Cybelle Young

the first drawing of @lambedasereia and the first stencil mask - all handmade, with heart-intuition

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